Controlling Publish Now/Demand Publishing

Hi all,

I have been asked to find out if it’s possible to allow business users to run publish now’s (or demand publishing) on just content items, currently if they have publish now they can run it on folders and therefore publish everything within it (we need to avoid this at all costs!) as well as the individual content.

Many thanks,


Assuming that you are on CM System,

Why not just prevent the publish now option from showing up for folders? I realize that this may prevent other users from getting it, but you could create a separate menu entry that is visible to other users…

In Workbench > UI Elements Design > Content Explorer > Menu Entries > User > Publish_Now (This may be called differently on your system)
>> Usage Tab
>>> Content Explorer - Main Display Area > Remove “Site Subfolder” in “Used UI contexts”
>>> Content Explorer - Navigation Pane > Remove “Site” and “Site Subfolder” in “Used in UI contexts”

Of course this won’t prevent a savvy user from just plugging in a content id of a folder on the publish now page…but let’s not go there…

Ok I’ll give that a go, thank you.