Convera and Binaries

I am finding binary items in the search queue although we don’t allow search on fields with sys_File control. Then if covered binary has big size, I get java “out of memory” errors on startup.

Last week I had a TAR open on this and seemed to resolve it. First I checked binaries are not covered by search, then stopped the server, flushed the indexes, truncated the table and re-indexed content. Thinking was probably some items got stuck in the cache for a long time. It seemed fine in the begining. However today I caught another one in the queue and got the error.

Does Convera index the database top down or somehow crawls the nav tree? Sounds funny, but is it possible that Convera actually follows the CMS links from body fields? ( A wild guess, but there is a pattern.)

Convera doesn’t know anything about Navigation or Links.

It’s just processing items, and every item is independent.

Is the problem binary file uploads, or is it large (body) fields?

That’s what I thought.

I believe large binary uploads are the problem.

So Convera is used for full-text search only, right? When searching in Title, Content ID fields, that’s just straight database search?


Searches have 2 modes: “full text” and “database”. If you do a search by content id in “full text” mode, the Convera engine is still involved.

While you can specify which search mode to use from Web Services, I believe that the Content Explorer always uses one mode or the other.


Thank you for your explanations.

Restarted the service this morning and got the out-of-memory error again. Then I deleted offending record from the queue table, started again, this time no error.

How do you do all of that? I have been looking for documentation on the conerva search and cannot find any.



In the Server Administrator Help, see the topic “Server Console Commands for Search”.


Yes, that details very little about re-indexing the whole thing. However, I found this in another thread and I will give it a shot as soon as I can.
