Convera FTS problems

I’ve already followed the directions in How_To_Modify_the_Convera_FTS_Engine_Config_Files.pdf on how to reindex the entire search. In the last step, when I type “search index type,” the response comes back with a Then a “show status search” shows item in the queue, but in the convera logs, I find the following… (note, these are just a few entries representative of many many lines).

in Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/rx/logs/cqserv_5.err
Wed Jan 7 16:00:43 2009
Data File: /apps/cmsdev/Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/rx/logs/cqserv_5.dat
Descr: Another process is writing to this file, this will cause corrupt data
Trace Ln: 187

2009-01-07 16:00:43 ERROR, Source: cqserv v7.0.3
Unable to open file: /apps/cmsdev/Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/rx/logs/cqserv_5.dat

in Rhythmyx/sys_search/rware/rx/logs/cqserv_5.err
2009-01-07 15:19:55
Error Number: 1, Severity: WARNING, Source: cqquery v7.0.3
No libraries available, probably a configuration error or a database file access error.

Any ideas? Note that we are running FTS on separate ports, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

Rhythmyx 6.5.2, Patch RX-14603

It looks like you deleted the indexes while the server/FTS was running. Reboot the server and verify that the indexes are created.