Copy Error - Data Truncated


I’ve had an error sent to me as a user cannot copy and paste as new a section of content. We are getting a SQL error data truncation. The item we are trying to copy already exists and was live so can’t understand how we get a data truncation.

Anyone ever seen this before ?


  • Garreth

What version of Rx are you working with and what patch level are you on?

Hi Garreth

Check the content type field lengths match you database table column length. I’m pretty sure they don’t match which is why you’re getting the error.

If not you will either have to change the content type field lengths or the database column lengths but this will be dependant on data, you might have to check the data first before doing so.


Rhythmyx version 6.7 RX-15938

Thing is jimbo this is a copy and paste as new hence the data already fits in the database as it’s an existing content item. Content item has a few dates, and 3 ephox fields which are max anyway. I’ll double check the table and column lengths though to be certain…


Submit a ticket with TS. The error looks familiar to me, but I can’t seem to find the bug I’m thinking of or any similar tickets in the database.

I have seen this error many times before… it pops up when the text you are copying has more characters than the database field allows… if copying from Word then it could be all the bloated code Word generates behind the scenes causing the error.

What is irritating about the error message is that is refers to all the fields in the CT instead of the one field that is failing… I wish Percussion would create more user-friendly errors, especially for common ones like this!

I agree with cara, when I have seen this error, it is due to field length restrictions…I wish Percussion would put in an automatic field length validator (…but oh well.

You said this was a copy / paste…I would check the sys_title / display title to make sure that you aren’t hitting the field limit on those (as I think the sys_title has a new name (ie. copy_1_oldsystitle or copy_1_copy_1_oldsystitle…and so on and so forth depending on how you’re doing the copying)

Looking at the error message, it appears that you have a finite number of fields to check to see which one is causing the problem…(You could go with BFI and just clear out one field at a time to see which one is the problem field…of course there may be multiple…)

Both are good suggestions, please send them to the The more specific you can be about the error message you’re getting and how you got it, the better we will be able to address the issue going forward.
