Copying shared fields between servers using MSM


I assume the method for copying shared fields is to select children of the Shared Group subfolder of Custom Elements in the Create Archive/Descriptor Wizard of the 6.5.2 version of MSM.

I have some questions:

[li]Will copying shared groups only affect content types on the destination server that have been selected in the same interface, in the Content Type subfolder of Rhythmyx Elements?
[/li][li]Does this copy over changes to the backend database tables, the XML file(s) in Rhythmyx\rxconfig\Server\ContentEditors\shared, or both?
[/li][li]Should the shared groups (e.g. sharedimage) we select be placed before or after content types in the order of elements in a package?




  1. No, shared groups, if copied, will affect all content types on the destination server which include a field from the shared group. The changes will only take effect, however, when the content types are saved or the Rhythmyx server is re-started.

  2. The XML file(s) will be copied. You must select the table schema as a shared dependency of the shared group in order to copy changes to the backend database tables.

  3. The ordering depends on the changes that have been made to the shared group, however, we recommend including shared groups in an archive as shared dependencies of content types, rather than as separate element packages. For example, to include the sharedimage group, add one or more content types which include fields from it, i.e. rffImage. Then select the sharedimage group as a shared dependency of one of the content types.



so i am packaging up custom application po_image_ce and within that select poshareimage group.

i get an error field img_227_156 referenced by mapping unlabeled cannot be found.

what am i doing wrong?
