couple of pages that need to not be part of the navigation,but need to be part of the breadcrumbs.

We have couple level pages that need to not be part of the navigation, but need to be part of the breadcrumbs. We started creating pages outside of the navigation page because we thought this was the answer, but these pages do not appear in the breadcrumbs. Please advise.

Following. I agreed. The non-navigation page / folder needed to be part of breadcrumb system.

do u have example program how to do these thing. we r not able to figure it out ?

You make a good point, and I would like to change this post from a Question to an Idea, as this might be a good request for a feature for our breadcrumbs.

At this time both the Breadcrumbs and Navigation widgets use the Navigation View.

There are other tools available that allow you to create your own breadcrumbs - this is one example: