Cross site linking to root of site returns unknownpath

Using 2.5.2

Adding 2 snippets to the same slot on site A. One snippet goes to a page in the root of Site B, the other to a page in a folder within Site B. Both pages use the same content type, both snippets use the same template.

The one linking to the page in the root ends up as http://SiteB/unknownpath/filename which is no good. The one linking the page in a folder ends up as http://SiteB/foldername/filename which is fine.

The link is being generated via


and the location scheme is

if($sys.crossSiteLink) {$site = $sys.variables.rxs_urlroot;} else {$site = '';} 
$site + $sys.pub_path + $sys.item.getProperty('rx:filename').String

So I’m guessing that it’s the $sys.pub_path that is returning /unknownpath/ for the page in the site root.

Is there anything I can do to make this work?

Hi Steve

Is the piece of content a translation by any chance? If you have a look at the issues list for 6.5.2 there’s quite a few linked to cross site links and translations:

What patch are you on?



I just tested this on the Generic Location Scheme that we ship with FastForward, and it appears that when the Content Item resides in the Site root folder, the variable $sys.pub_path returns “unknownpath”.

I have logged a bug for this issue. If the issue is blocking your implementation, contact Tech Support to request a patch.