custom content lists in 6.1


A client of ours has upgraded their dev server to 6.1 and have noticed that the publishing of their server side includes no longer works. I’ve looked at this and they are published out using a specific content list application. The content list previews OK and all looks fine in the XML but get this error when publishing:

*<publicationstatus pubstatusid=“10905”> <status>Error</status> −
An exception was encountered while performing XML conversion for the request from session id 0a35d5d0e493811fcd94fce17c752a065727df17:

This also appears in the server.log file

2007-06-25 11:14:37,703 INFO* [STDOUT]
com.percussion.publisher.server.PSPublisherLookupRequestException: An exception was encountered while performing XML conversion for the request from session id 0a35d5d0e493811fcd94fce17c752a065727df17:
2007-06-25 11:14:37,703 INFO* [STDOUT] at com.percussion.publisher.server.PSPubLookupRequest.processRequest(Unknown
2007-06-25 11:14:37,703 INFO
[STDOUT] *at Source)

The variant is set to “never” publish as it uses a specific content list but when I switch it to “Always” the navigation publishes out fine.
