Custom controls in 6.6


I’ve recently upgraded a client’s system from 6.5.2 to 6.6 which contain a custom control (rx_cascadedropdown). After doing some testing I noticed that the content type that uses the control still opens but with the following message:

“The following fields have invalid controls associated to them (field1, field2). These controls have been replaced with sys_Editbox.”

Is there anything else I need to do post upgrade to get the custom control to work?



The behavior you’re reporting occurs when the Workbench cannot recognize the control associated with the field. This may happen if the XSL file containing the control template was moved, or if the XSL file became corrupt. If the XSL file is still in the correct location, try replacing it with a copy from a backup.


Hi Robert

Cheers for the info, that worked a treat.
