custom Http 404 error page

Am i missing a step?

I would like to have our site display a custom 404 page error rather than the generic one.

step 1- i created the 404.htm page which is stored in the root folder

stetp2 —what do i need to set up on the server side to have the server direct the user automatically to the friendly 404 page.

Some people talked about create/update the “.htaccess” file. But i don’t seem to find any documentation regarding this file in your documentation repository.

Your answer will be greatly appreciate.



Setting up “Page Not Found” / “HTTP 404” pages is a web server configuration. Percussion CM System / Rhythmyx could publish out the HTML page; however, you would still need to configure your web server to direct this traffic to the page.

What type of web server are you using to serve your website (Apache HTTPD, Microsoft IIS, lighttpd, etc…)? I’ll see what I can do to help direct you in the right direction.

Thank you Rileyw,

I will talk to our web server person and get back to you.

Best Regards