Customer Webinar: CM System Version 7.0.3 Released!

Hello, All:

Thank you very much for joining us for our November Customer Webinar on Upgrading to CM System Version 7.0.3. We hope you found the Webinar relevant and informative. If you have any additional questions on the release of CM System Version 7.0.3, please feel free to post your questions here and our team will respond accordingly.

For those of you who may have missed out on last week’s Webinar, we are delighted to share with you the recorded version as well as the presentation slides. To access the video, simply key in the password cmsysTem7.


In addition, below please find a listing of the Q&A from both Webinar sessions, and please feel free to post any additional questions that you may have.

Question: Does version 7.03 fix the error with Java 6 release 25 where users need to change their java.policy file to not receive java socket errors?
Answer: This is a Java issue that we have a workaround for. It is something that we are looking to address in a future release.

Question: Is it necessary to need to re-index all the items once upgraded?
Answer: It is not required to re-index, however, as a best practice, we recommend re-indexing once the upgrade is complete.

Question: Is there a performance hit by enabling this new folder security feature?
Answer: No, no performance issues noted

Question: What changes does the upgrade do to the backend database? Specifically we want to know how much we need to increase the database size before performing the upgrade.
Answer: There are minor changes to the database schema. These changes do not require any sizing changes to the schema.
Examples of changes that were made:

  1. A new SERVER column was added to the PSX_PUBLICATION_STATUS table to indicate the server on which the edition was run.

  2. Changes were made to the following tables in order to support the upgrade of the quartz scheduler which is used:


  1. Two new tables (PSX_BINARYSTORE, PSX_BINARYMETASTORE) were added in order to support the dedupe binary feature.

Question: Do you have a list of all the 160+ bug items fixed from 6.7?
Answer: Please refer to the attached document: Bug Items fixed from 6.7

Question: Are there changes to browser compatibility. For instance chrome?
Answer: As of now we do not currently support Chrome. You can view a full list of supported browsers by going to:[ n+Prerequisites]( n+Prerequisites)

Question: Does 7.03 have any changes to the deployment process (ie MSM)?
Answer: No it does not.

Question: What steps would you take to enable inline templates?
Answer: This can be found in the readme file:

Inline Template Configuration
By default, inline Templates are implemented using a <div> tag. Since <div> is a block
element, inline Templates are not truly “inline”; they are treated as block elements and are followed by a line break. In CM System Version 7.0.2, you can configure the CM Server to output inline Templates as correctly inline:
a. <Rhythmyxroot>\rx_resources\ephox\plugins change the name of the file
rxEditLiveFormEncodeDecode.disabled to rxEditliveFormEncodeDecode.xml.
b. Add the attribute, inlineSpanPriority=“true”, to all EditLive configuration files you are
currently using.
c. In the server properties file (<Rhythmyxroot>\rxconfig\server\, set the property allowTrueInlineTemplates=true.
d. Restart the CM Server.
e. All users must clear the browser cache and the Java plugin cache for this change to take effect on their client. Once you implement this configuration, inline Templates actually intended to be inline must have a <span> tag as the root element. These inline Templates should not contain any block elements. After you implement this configuration, “true” inline Templates will be indicated by two arrow images (>inline content<). This inline content can be removed by double-clicking on the content of the inline Template. The CM System returns a context menu with a delete option.
Block inline Templates (implemented using a <div> tag) continue to look and behave in the default manner.

Question: Do you need to upgrade to the supported Velocity version?
Answer: No the Velocity version does not change in Version 7.0.3

Question: When will 7.0.3 be up for us to download it?
Answer: It is currently available on the ftp site as well as

Question: Would there be any advantage to exporting a web site from a 6.7 install and then applying that to a fresh 7 install, or should we upgrade over 6.7 in any situation?
Answer: There is no advantage to exporting and doing a fresh install. One of our goals with this upgrade was to make it a smoother process. We strongly recommend upgrading a copy of your existing production environment for testing. We also have a best practices upgrade document which you can view by clicking on the link below.

Question: Will the upgrade installer work on Linux as well?
Answer: Yes
Question: What is the recommended method for backing up an existing instance of Percussion?
Answer: You will want to follow your company’s standards for making back up. If no standards exist, you will want to make a copy of the Rhythmyx file tree and database dump of the schema.

Question: Does the PSO toolkit need upgrading?
Answer: Yes, after the upgrade has been completed, we recommend applying the version 7.x of the PSOToolkit. This can be found on the user community forum. This is the url:

Question: What if a client wishes to have Percussion come out and handle the upgrade?
Answer: The Percussion Customer Relations team will be able to facilitate the engagement.

Question: Where may we access detailed documentation on the version, its features, etc.
Answer: You can find best practices documentation by clicking here:

For information regarding the new features of 7.0.3, please click here:
System Requirements: [ n+Prerequisites&structure=Installation]( n+Prerequisites&structure=Installation)

As always, we welcome suggestions for future Webinar topics. Send your topic ideas to

All the best,

Holly Bouffard