Data set associated error

I was working with a theme’s CSS file today, and I went to upload a new version, thinking it would over write the existing one, as it has done in the past. Instead of overwriting the file, I ended up with two files in the CSS folder with the exact name. I also noticed the file name did not append (1) to the file name, as is usually the case when uploading two of the same files. I deleted the older version, because I wanted to use the new version of the file.

Now the CSS file will not load, and if I navigate to the file directly, I get an error.

This is the error I am getting:
The data set associated with the request for (*path to file name*) submitted by session id 333e50d243648fec3bef8f7ea54c367f5811dbf9 could not be found in the application (web_resources).

What should I do? As a stop-gap measure we’ve renamed our CSS files, but it would be good to know what may have caused this.




You are right in thinking that uploading a CSS file while using Design in the Finder should overwrite the existing CSS file of the same name. Is it possible someone had modified or renamed the existing CSS file directly through the file system - rather than through CM1 - before you attempted to upload the new one?

This problem could also be due to a network hiccup while attempting to upload the new CSS file. You might try logging out then back into CM1, manually deleting the current CSS file (by hitting the “X” button to the upper right when the CSS file is selected), and then attempt to upload your CSS file again.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Nathaniel @Nathaniel,

I am trying to import a site, It is giving that the site is imported successfully.

For all imported sites i am able to see the import folder under the newtheme folder.

But when i am trying to import a jquery ui page it is not showing the import under the newtheme folder, and when i checked the preview for that page it is working fine and after seeing the source code it is showing that jquery ui js is loading from import folder and we are not able to find the import folder under the new theme folder.

Can you please explain this thing indetail, means how import will work.