Database Connection

I am trying to install Percussion 6.7 on Windows Server and SQL Server 2008, and when I get to the “Repository Configuration” screen for the database selection, I get the error message: “Failed to establish a connection to the database…”

I am certain that I created the database (called “rhythmyx”), and the login user (called “rhythmyx”) who is mapped to the database, and I am certain that I am entering the correct database name, login ID and password on this screen, but it still won’t connect and I keep getting that message (“Failed to establish a connection to the database…”).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Perhaps this is an obvious question, but is SQL Server running?

Yes, SQL Server is running, the Percussion install will not connect to it.


Open the SQL server network configuration tool and make sure that tcpip is enabled. Also check the port that is used and make sure what you are entering into the installer matches.
Also, if you are using instances, the url for the installer is slightly different.

Thanks all very much for the help! I will definitely check the tcpip, that’s one thing I haven’t yet tried.
