Database installed

Hi, How can I tell Rhythmyx database is installed using UTF-8 or UTF-16?

What database software are you using?

The easiest way to find the command you’re looking for is to do a Google search. i.e. How do I find my database character encoding in Oracle?


Since you are using SQL Server 2008 - checking this may help:
* ConvToUtf attribute in the SQL Server ODBC driver User’s Guide
* Or check this article

Cheers, Mike

SQL Server 2005. What I want is to check the Rhythmyx installation is fully support Asian characters set.
Would you have a formal way to check against the installation? or Is it just as simple entering some Asian characters contents in content editor and see if it displayed? or Checking the data type of the table fields whether it is using nchar or nvarchar?


Yes, you can test support by entering Asian chars and verifying they come back correctly. However, if most of the content is for Asian chars (rather than a small %,) UTF-8 is not optimal as it requires 3-4 bytes (typically) to store each char. To determine if the db charset is UTF-8 or 16, you need to query the db.