Database publishing with a child table and multi-language content results in error

Hi All,

I’m using Rhythmyx 6.5.2 and have followed the steps in the Rhythmyx_Implementation_Guide_Version_6_5_2.pdf for database publishing, which fortunately includes a content type with a child table (which is exactly what I need). The content of one of the child table columns is multi-language content which Rhythmyx and the MS SQL server back-end database have, to date, been able to handle well. However, once I try to database publish the content out I keep getting the following error:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence.
     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
     at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
     at com.percussion.xml.PSXmlDocumentBuilder.createXmlDocument(Unknown Source)
     at com.percussion.xml.PSXmlDocumentBuilder.createXmlDocument(Unknown Source)...

I have the bindings set as stated in the support document, ie

$child[0].MyTranslationValueDatabaseColumn = $rx.asmhelper.childValues($sys.item,"childTableField1","rx:childsMyTranslationfield")

$row.$encoding.MyTranslationValueDatabaseColumn = "base64"

As far as I’m aware Rhythmyx only has one encoding type for DB publishing. I’ve tried a few variation of the following method in the bindings tab of the DB template in the Workbench


and the PSO Toolkit’s encode method


But regardless of what I try I don’t get any closer to success.

When I change the content to English text publishing works fine, so it is down to the multi-language aspect.

The source and target databases have the same character encoding set.

Has anyone tried to do anything similar?

Thanks in advance.

I am just curious to know if that worked for u?