DB publish using value and getting keyword label

Hello I was wondering if the was a way in the bindings of a Data Base publish page to use the childs value $child[0].value = ‘$sys.item.getProperty(“rx: preferedlist”).getValues()’ to look into a keywords list and get its label?

Thank you for any help you can give.


We are pulling the keyword labels in as a binding using this:

$category_selected = $sys.item.getProperty(“rx:cms_loc_projectcategory”).String

$category = $rx.keyword.getChoiceLabel(“cmsProject”,“cms_loc_projectcategory”, $category_selected)

Hope that helps.

Best Wishes


I am using:

$child[0].value = ‘$sys.item.getProperty(“rx: preferedlist”).getValues()’

$child[0].title = ‘$sys.keyword.getChoiceLabel(“TitleList”,“preferedlist”,$child[0].id)’

but I am getting an error when publishing on getting on the second one. The params to getChoiceLabel are (contentType,fieldName,keywordValue) is this correct? If the “preferedlist” is a child table to “TitleList” does my getting of the keywords label need to be changed?


Try using the $rx.asmhelper.childvalues function. This function is documented on p. 417-18 of the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.


$rx.asmhelper.childvalues does not have what I need or I am looking at it wrong. What I am doing is we have a content type TitleList and it has inside of it a child field table checkbox list. that gets its list from a Keyword List I can get the value of the child field just fine, I need to then take that value and look into the keywords list and get its label (Key).

Is this possible?

So far everything I have tried to get at the keyword list to get the label with a given value has caused an error saying something about the function operation being null.

Am I not able to get at a keyword list from a Data base publish template?


Did you manage to use $rx.asmhelper.childValues to get the Label name?

Hi, Can anyone be able to get the label of the keyword from a multi select control?

See this thread.