DB publishing to MySQL


I’m attempting to configure RX 6.5.2 to perform DB publishing to MySQL.

I’m adapting the instructions taken from Chapter 10 of the Implementation Guide.

I’ve download Connect/J 5.1 from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.1.html and installed mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar in <Rhythmyx_Root>/AppServer/server/rx/lib/

I used Rhythmyx_Root/AppServer/docs/examples/jca/mysql-ds.xml as a template for Rhythmyx_Root/AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rxdb-pub.ds, editing in the:

  • jindi-name: jdbc/csstest
  • connection url: jdbc:mysql://mysqlhost:3306/csstest
  • username and password

I’m assuming that Rhythmyx_Root/rxconfig/Server/config.xml needs an additional PSXJdbcDriverConfig element as follows:

PSXJdbcDriverConfig className=“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” containerTypeMapping=“mySQL” driverName=“mysql”

And I’ve added the jconnector jar to the runTd.sh classpath.

On restarting the rx service http://<host>/RxServices/jnditest.jsp now reports that the csstest datasource is ok, but when running runTd.sh, there is no mySQL database type.

Any advice on what I’m missing here?

Many thanks


Hi David - any resolution to this?
I have not had a time to get through this, but if anyone has a tweak ready to roll - I’d be very interested to see the way to resolve it.

I wrote a guide to setting up a MySQL connection, attached. I don’t know if this will fix your issue but it worked for me to use a MySQL database visible in the Workbench database tab and as a JNDI connection.

I’ve done all that and more and able to connect and publish to MySQL - however - I still don’t see the JNDI properties for mysql in runTD.sh nor in my Server Admin JNDI settings.
What config file do I have to modify to have reference to my mysql connector driver?


Thanks - all is good - in fact it was good to go in the first try - I just had to restart the server one more time and populate some values manually.
All works great.