debugging with Rhythmyx


Is there any documentation on how to debug Rhythmyx extensions? I’ve gotten as far as registering the JBoss server with Eclipse, and starting it up. The console lines look identical to what you get from starting with RhythmyxServer.exe. … until you see this:
11:38:24,649 INFO [I18n] Loading I18n Resources to Cache…
11:38:24,742 INFO [I18n] Done Loading.
11:38:24,742 INFO [Server] A non-recoverable error has been encountered. The server is shutting down.
11:38:24,742 INFO [Server] An unexpected error was encountered. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find branding file.
11:38:24,742 WARN [PSAppServlet] Server did not initialize

So it’s not finding some file. The license file or something?

Am I approaching this the wrong way?



A better way is to use “Remote Debugging”. Run your Rhythmyx server as normal, but before you start add a file named RhythmyxServer.ja in the /Rhythmyx directory.

This file will contain something like:

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8100,suspend=n

(You can also have memory settings here, as desired).

Restart your server. You will see a message on the console that the debugger is listening on port 8100 (or whatever port you specified)

In Eclipse, select the “Run” menu, and the “Open Debug Dialog”. Scroll down in the left pane until you find “Remote Java Application”. Right click and create a new Remote Java Application. Make sure that the Project name is your current project, and that the server and port addresses are correct. Click on “Debug” and you should be live.

Of course, you will want to set some breakpoints before you execute your extension the first time.

I hope this helps


That’s easy!

Thanks, I tried it and it works.

It didn’t work at first because I had copied and pasted your text into my file, and it looks like the forum software inserted a space into it right before “,suspend=n”. (I just mention this in case anyone else tries following your directions).