Default Content Item to a Template

Dear Collages

My question is very simple. But I still cannot understand how to do it
How do we default the Content Item to a template
Once I create a Content Item, it shows several options/templates to preview it with. However, it publishes with a template that I think comes first in alphabetical order.
What is the way to associate template with the Content Item?

Thank you

I found an answer. It is a Dispatch Template. But do I specify Dispatch Template in a Location Scheme???

For some reason, no matter what I tried the Dispatch Template doesn’t get published

You can set a default template for a content type by choosing the “Default” Publish radiobutton in the General tab of your template. If you are using a dispatch template, set the publish to default and set the publish to “Never” for all the other page templates used by the dispatch template for this content type.

Then, when you define a location scheme for this content type, choose the dispatch template which will decide which page template to choose during publish.