Default page


Does anyone here know if the page displayed at http://host:9992 can be modified? We want to give our content contributors an easy to remember and preferably short URL. Also, lots of people have trouble remembering how to spell Ryhmyex.

By default, the page at http://host:9992 has lots of confusing stuff about “JBoss” and debugging, that will confuse our users. We’d rather put a single hyperlink there instead, or even set it up to send a HTTP redirection, to take them to http://host:9992/Rhythmyx




This is the “Welcome Page” of ROOT.war. It’s just a JSP, and can be edited.

It’s located at /Rhythmyx/AppServer/Server/rx/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/ROOT.war/index.jsp

I don’t know if this will survive a server upgrade. Keep a backup copy just in case.


Thanks, that did the trick.


Hello again,

I have a follow-up question. Can a Rhythmyx installation be modified so that it listens on port 80 instead of 9992 without reinstalling it and starting again from scratch? Users are probably going to forget to enter the :9992 bit of the URL.



Yes, it’s possible to change the ports. I believe we have a document that describes how to do this. It’s basically in the JBoss config files.


Also, in your Rhythmyx tree, there’s an app called RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.exe that lets you do this.

Thanks, that seems to have done the trick.


Actually, no, this hasn’t worked. Changing the “Bind Port” using the RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.exe program causes all sorts of weirdness when previewing. I am writing an email to send to technical support now.


sorry but just fell of my chair laughing at the comment

“Also, lots of people have trouble remembering how to spell Ryhmyex.”

Classic ;O)

Hi Andrew,

Below is a little writeup I did for myself when I need to change Rhythmyx ports. When I change ports, it is because I need to move an RX tree so I change all the ports. I have never tried just changing the server port.

Hope it helps…Rhonda

6.X – need to manually change the server port and search ports, but can use RX Prop Editor for all other ports

To manually change the server port, edit the following file:
Search for your current port number, ie. 9992 and change it to your new port number
Search for the word port= and change the one that is 8 higher to 8 higher than your new port, 1000

Connector URIEncoding=“UTF-8” acceptCount=“100”
minSpareThreads=“25” port=“6510” redirectPort=“8443” scheme=“http”
enableLookups=“false” port=“6518” protocol=“AJP/1.3”

In above example, 2 values, 9992 and 1000, were changed to 6510 and 6518

Manually change Convera Ports for Full Text Search - default ports are 9993 and 9994, change to new values you want to use (ie, RX port +1 and RX port +2 where RX port is setting from last step)

  • open <Rhythmyx_root>\sys_search\rware\admin\aport in a text editor and change 9993 to an unused port number
  • open <Rhythmyx_root>\sys_search\rware\admin\admport in a text editor and change 9994 to be the number used above plus 1
  • open <Rhythmyx_root>\rxconfig\Server\config.xml
    find the <PSXSearchConfig node
    find the attribute serverPort=“9993” and change 9993 to be the same number used in your newly modified aport file
  • open <Rhythmyx_root>\rxconfig\Server\ in a text editor
    find procenv.PORT and change 9993 to be the same number used in your newly modified aport file


This is the “Welcome Page” of ROOT.war. It’s just a JSP, and can be edited.

It’s located at /Rhythmyx/AppServer/Server/rx/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/ROOT.war/index.jsp

I don’t know if this will survive a server upgrade. Keep a backup copy just in case.


I am attempting to accomplish the same task as Andrew on a 5.71 install. I was able to change the port number via ServerPropertiesEditor, but cannot figure out where the “Welcome Page” described by Dave is located (or if it even exists). Any ideas how to accomplish this in 5.71, or if it is even possible?


This page does not exist in 5.7.

Tell me what page you are looking at, and I might be able to tell you how to change it.

You’ll have to excuse my ignorance, but I’m actually not sure what page I need to change. Basically, instead of having my users remember the url of https://hostname/Rhythmyx/sys_cx/mainpage.html, I just want them to be able to put in https://hostname and have the server redirect them to the correct page.

For functionality reasons, we added

Users should not be directly opening or linking to /Rhythmyx/sys_cx/mainpage.html. They should just be opening https://hostname/Rhythmyx - that will set their community properly and then open the ContentExplorer applet.

FYI: The server.xml location is changed as of 7.0.2.

Nate, it looks like the new directory name changed a little in 7.0.2:


Best Regards,
Adam Scarcella >> Rhythmyx Software Support Engineer III (Tier 3)