define custom locale

Hi, Is that a way to create a custom locale within Rhythmyx? e.g. en-in (English India) instead of hi-in (Hindi India) As I understand, the language and country fields are all pre-populated.

The locales data is populated from java.util.Locale class. When you select English as Language, the Country drop down shows India as an option. Most of the languages and countries are available as two drop down lists. Are you not finding a specific locale in that list? Is there any reason for creating that non java standard locale?

Yes, that’s right. It is more to do with translating differnt contents for certain countries. E.g. India do have people speaking Hindi and English, and I would like to use a specific locale like English India to define certain content items. Is it possible to add specific locale in java.util.Locale class without cause any issues in Rhythmyx? Please advise.

English - > India is an already available locale.
Select english as language while creating a new locale in Workbench and select India as the Country.

That’s right. I also need English Germany and English French, etc. How do we go about altering the class within Rhythmyx?

The Workbench only supports adding Locales that are supported by the JRE.

It is possible to add “fake” locales directly into the RXLOCALE table in the backend, but if you do this, some of the locale sensitive functions may not work. For example $ will throw an exception if you attempt to format a date in a non-existent locale.

I encourage you to find a way to build your system using only locales that Java supports.


What is the use case for this implementation?

A Locale is a regional variation of a language, accounting for different usage, spelling, diction, etc. For example: lift versus elevator; colour and harbour versus color and harbor; and the usage of “which” and “that”, which is more restrictive in US English than it is in British English.

English is a foreign language in France and Germany, so English France and English Germany Locales don’t really make sense. English speakers in those countries typically learn British English.

If you explain the use case, we might be able to recommend a better way to achieve the desired result.


Since I’m familiar with requirements of this particular implementation, I may be able to explain the case.

Locales on this project are used to not only separate the language native to the country, but also set different locale to target users in particular countries with regional content.
In other words - customer requirement is to provide users with choice of country and language selection independent from the native country language, where English is the only language that is available in all countries, but may differ from original default English because of the content specific to the region/country.

This does complicate things if we would have needed full blown localization.

However - having the default English, US English (en-us), UK English (en-gb), Canada English (en-ca), Canada Friench (fr-ca) all normal ISO locales solves most of the active regions.
No Content Editor or system localization needed - just content, broken to different locales and taxonomy based on language country selection, so the publishing path is correct… where the folder structure in Rx controls the site publishing path based on the locale set for the folder. You can really come up with all kinds of wild locales, but I do not believe you need to, actually you should not do that.

As Dave said - use what is supported by JRE (including en-in) and available in Rhythmyx. Locale formats are important (currency, date etc.) though.


[QUOTE=mbuchkovsky;11489]You can really come up with all kinds of wild locales, but I do not believe you need to, actually you should not do that.

Hi Mike,

Nice to talk to you here. I totally agreed to avoid adding any un-support ISO locales as you would expect some functionalities may not be supported. However, what is your thinking behind to resolve the situation when we have a country (e.g. China or Russia in English translation) to define or restrict for some specific contents? What locale would you use to create those specific contents and how those contents be able to handle for cloning or translating?

I may be complicated few things here but I think it is one of the requirement that need to be considered and we may need some flexibilities to handle this implementation.

