Delete a site and its content

We have a site that is no longer required and want to remove it from the Sites tree in Rhythmyx (6.5).
I know we can delete the site folder that we want to remove but would this keep all the content items in the database as orphaned items? If so without manually purging all items is it possible to remove the site and all its items from the database using the content explorer.


I don’t know of any to do this outside of Content Explorer. However, it seems to me that you could do this fairly quickly by doing a search (or a series of searches if there is a lot of content) on the Site folder so it just returns a big list of content items. Then, provided they are in a state that they can be purged, just whole groups of returned items and purge them all at once.

Asking “is it possible” is probably not what you want (Yes, it is possible, just write an extension…or maybe even a jsp page that you can add as a menu action that will delete the items from the database). Asking if there is some sort of default behavior that is currently shipped with the product that allows you to do this easily… Not to my knowledge…