Deleting a variant query

Hi all,

We are trying to delete an obsolete variants from our system, but are having a bit of a problem as the back end is not permitting us to delete them.

Regarding one such variant (probably the simplest case), which is used only for slots, I’ve used the database, specifically the table PSX_objectrelationship to check if this variant is still being used. From what I can see, it is not in any current versions of content items, so I’m guessing that it’s the historic usage that is preventing it being deleted. Assuming that I’m looking in the right table to establish that this variant is no longer used, what are the options open to us to remove this variant and the others?

Is it possible to run sql that would do any of the following:

  1. Remove the relationships from PSX_objectrelationship and any other relevant tables, or at update the variant_id column to the id of an updated variant?
  2. Remove content items that we decide are obsolete?

Any ideas are much appreciated.


We cannot support any customer modification of the database unless specifically instructed to do so by Technical Support. I recommend that you submit a ticket with TS. You’ll probably have to provide us with a copy of your environment, but we’ll be able to figure it out and provide you with specific, supportable, steps.


thanks for that.