Deleting all content items of a specific content type

What is the easiest, fastest, cleanest way of removing all content items of a specific content type? My ultimate goal is to delete the content type and recreate it with a completely new definition.

Before you do this, be absolutely certain that you don’t have any dependencies on Content Items of the Content Type you want to delete. This confirmation may be the most time-consuming part of the process.

Log in with Admin privileges, and customize a search to look for Content Items of that Content Type. (On the Content Search dialog, click the [Advanced] button to access customization options.) Then purge the Content Items.

If Content Items of the Content Type exist in multiple Communities, you will have to log in as a user with admin privileges in each Community. In that case, I would limit my search to the Community as well as the Content Type, and repeat for each Community. If your multi-select includes Content Items from Communities other than the one you are logged in to, the Purge Action Menu Entry will no be included in the popup.


I’ve had to do this many times. Here is some SQL that might help.

If you delete the content items via SQL, remember that you should reindex the content type in the search indices to be sure that you don’t get false positives.

Please be advised that deleting data directly from the database cannot be supported by TS. Before doing so, please create a full backup of your environment (db and Rx tree), so that you can recover quickly and fully in the event that something unexpected occurs.
