Deleting items from Database

I had thousands of items that were no longer needed. So to clean themup, I deleted all the rows from content type database table.

However, when I start the server, I still see those items loaded. However, on trying to view or open the content item, I see page not found error.

Is there any quick way to clear those items from server cache as well?
And also is there any potential harm of deleting items from DB tables directly?


I’m not sure if anybody would encourage you to delete anything from the database directly, if you can help it.

Percussion tends to store information in several tables, and you have to delete items from all of them, in just the right order. See for example.

TS cannot support the user modifying the database. If you choose to do so, you MUST create a backup first. Should something unexpected occur, the backup is going to be your only path back to a fully functioning environment.