Deleting navigation doesn't means removing from LIVE site

I think I found an issue / bug…

when you delete navigation section for real… yes, it does remove from CM1/Percussion BUT it does not remove from LIVE site. I think it’s better if you revise the message something like this:

Delete the section and all sub-sections from the site. All pages and content will be permanently deleted from both CM1 System and the Live site (if any).

Hello Aaron,

When you delete a Navigation folder, the items will be removed from the Live site on the next Full Publish.

Maybe a better message would be:

Delete the section and all sub-sections from the site. All pages and content will be permanently deleted from the system, and will be removed from your live site on the next Full Publish. 

If this is not the behavior you are seeing please let us know.

I think this message works. Thank you!