Disabled slot link

I have a navigation sub menu slot on my page types that has always been fully functional until recently, and now has a greyed out slot title in the active assembly table editor that is unclickable (cannot manually add items to the slot). This is the case when it is empty or even when it already contains items (which items still work when rendering or publishing the page). All other slots still work fine.

Has anybody ever dealt with this, or know what might have caused this?

Thank you in advance!

Check your server.properties file for the allowNavonSlotEdit property. Make sure it is set to true.


This property is to enable manual editing of the nav_submenu slot.

CMSystem 7.1 removes the manual removal and addition to this slot

by default, only the ability to reorder the items remains

Manual removal and addition to the nav_submenu slot

is not recommended as this can seriously break the structure of the navigation

tree. This property is provided mainly for consistent behavior of existing

clients who rely on being able to edit the slot.



Thanks for the response, and yes, adding that setting to the server.properties file (in \rxconfig\Server\ ) did the trick. The setting didn’t exist at all, so I added it with a value of “true”. I guess we hadn’t had the need to manually enter anything in this particular slot since we last upgraded, so that was the issue.

For the sake of clarification for anybody who runs into the same issue, it was the navon slot, not the page slot, like I said in my original post.

Thank you again!