Display current folder's content items in left nav?

Hello all - new user here.

I’ve got managed navigation working how I want as far as all the navons are concerned, but I want to go one step further and display links to all the current folder’s content items in the left nav. Is that possible? I thought I could use an auto-index slot to do this, but I can’t figure out how to generate the correct jcr path for the contend finder query. I need to get the path leading up to but not including the current navon’s landing page.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


There is a JEXL function in the PSOToolkit for this PSOFolderTools.getFolderParentPath(). If you search the forum, you will find a number of posts about how to use it.

However, one word of warning: if you add an autoindex in this fashion, then EVERY page in the site will publish whenever an incremental publish is run, because every page will have an autoindex (and the system has no way to know what has changed, so it publishes everything).


Hi Dave

then EVERY page in the site will publish whenever an incremental publish is run

Does this depend on where the slot is added? If it’s added to the left navigation template that appears on a global template for instance does this have the same effect?



You’re correct that slots added to the Navon don’t force full re-publishing.

It’s also possible to hide the autoslot from the system by not registering it on the template. (It will still work, but won’t show up in the user interface).

Perhaps my original statement was too rash, but this is an area that has caused some considerable pain for a number of customers, and I wanted to be sure that people think about the impact on publishing before they decide to throw in an autoslot.
