Display Values in Drop down

How do you read the display field value of the drop down instead of the values? The drop down is populated using a keyword.



A recent thread on how to achieve a similar result can be found @ http://forum.percussion.com/showthread.php?11108-Cloud-Tags.

The thread references this code:

#set($selectedChoices = $user.psoListTools.asList($sys.item.getProperty("rx:dropdownMultipleFieldName").getValues()))##
#foreach($selectedChoice in $selectedChoices)##
#set($selectedChoiceValue = $a.getString())##
#set($selectedChoiceLabel = $rx.keyword.getLabel('keywordChoices',$selectedChoiceValue))##
Choice Label: $selectedChoiceLabel <br />
Choice Value: $selectedChoiceValue()

Got it…so check the keyword to find the related value. I wish there had been a simpler way, and it needs not to be so complex.