DisplayTitle Shared Field Character Limits

I have a question in regard to limiting the number of characters in the “diplaytitle” area of the content type setup. I don’t see the ability to limit the characters in that title field? In addition, how am I able to insert into the content type template that the end user sees text instructions that informs them to not use special characters and/or to limit their title description to X number of characters or less? I do see that I can add those instructions via the Field and Field set areas and the label description but is there an easier way to apply it to all dispaytitles in all content types?

Thanks for any help!

Ok found the area to edit the shared fields…kind of turned out to be a stupid question once I actually determined how the previous administrator set up the system, sorry about that one. :slight_smile:

I guess I will open a ticket in regard to the other question referencing the instructions to users.