Documentation Feedback

This forum serves as a feedback mechanism for Rhythmyx 6.5.2 printed documentation.

Enhancements to Rhythmyx documentation that is shipped with product releases will now be published quarterly and made available on the Rhythmyx forum. We expect to have the first of these updates available for Rhythmyx 6.5.2 at the end of this quarter (June).

Please post feedback and issues that you encounter with the Rhythmyx 6.5.2 documentation to the Documentation Feedback forum so it can addressed appropriately.


I was looking for information on searching by date range. What I found in the Content Explorer Help doesn’t make any sense to me.

This is what I found under Rhythmyx Full-text Search Engine –> Searching for Numbers and Dates:

When searching on dates, if you enter a 2-digit year between 31 and 99, the search engine automatically adds 1900 (thus creating a range 1931-1999). If you enter a 2-digit year between 00 and 30, the search engine automatically adds 2000 (thus creating a range 200-2030).


First, there’s a missing “0” in that last date range; it should be “2000-2030”. I’ve corrected that problem in our source.

The text explains how the search engine handles expansion of dates expressed using a two-digit year instead of a four-digit year, which is required to get around what used to be called “the Y2K problem”. Basically, if I enter the range 58-08-29 09-06-25 (to take a range that’s been in the news lately), the search engine has to determine how to expand the “58” and “09”. The range “1958-08-29 1909-06-25” doesn’t make sense; the correct range is “1958-08-29 2009-06-25”.

Is there other information you are looking for regarding date searches?


Yes, I was looking for how to search a date range, but I found the answer in one of your forum posts, and that worked.

I understand the gist of it now I think.

To me it seems like it would be better if Convera forced you to just enter a four-digit year. But maybe they had legacy stuff to deal with.

I would like to add a regular expression to a field validation. I’m pretty experienced with regular expressions, but there’s still not enough documentation on how to use them in a field validation. I searched the PDF docs and the forum, and didn’t find anything (except for people who are asking how to write regular expressions, which is not what I need).

I want to not accept fields with a certain string. So I typed this into the provided box:

I clicked Apply, and then I saw this:

Regular Expression(!//access/helpdesk/help/)

I have no idea if this will work. I’m just guessing. Was I supposed to include the slashes on the regular expression? Or was I supposed to put it in quotes? How do I do a NOT test on a regular expression in this case?

Hi April

I found this article very useful when building reg expressions

Particularly this:

myString.matches(“regex”) returns true or false depending whether the string can be matched entirely by the regular expression. It is important to remember that String.matches() only returns true if the entire string can be matched. In other words: “regex” is applied as if you had written “^regex$” with start and end of string anchors. This is different from most other regex libraries, where the “quick match test” method returns true if the regex can be matched anywhere in the string. If myString is abc then myString.matches(“bc”) returns false. bc matches abc, but ^bc$ (which is really being used here) does not.

I then downloaded regular expression builder to check my regexes.
