Documentation for Match Content to Template Layout Button?

I have been unable to find any documentation for the “Match Content to Template Layout” button in Design view that is available for each template. It’s the blue checkmark button next to edit button. I’ve clicked it and wasn’t able to determine that it did anything. I can’t find any documentation for it but from the tool tip is would seem to match unused assets with widgets on a page…Thanks to having to edit several templates I now have a few hundred pages with unused rich text assets that need to be dragged back onto a RT widget to get the page copy back. When I click the button now it pops up the modal and sits there and spins. I’ve let it run for as long as 30 minutes but it just seems to time out. It then marks pages as having unused assets (orange triangle) but doesn’t match anything up.

What, exactly, is this thing supposed to do? If it isn’t supposed to put content back in the widget what is it’s intended purpose?

Stuart, This setting is only valuable if you have used LiveFirst to import your site and then used Design Inspector to create your templates. When you use design inspector, it allows you to break down your page into regions based on the div structure of your imported page. As you do that breakdown, pages assigned that template are flagged as needing to having their content remapped to the template changes. Those pages would show up in red bold text on the Design Manager view. Clicking the “Match template” option, it would go to each of the pages and make sure that the content is matched to the correct div/region on the page. If after the matching process, a page has an empty region/widget, then you will see the orange triangle message, even if that empty widget is supposed to be empty. I am unsure why it just spins. If it is a timeout that is not being returned to the UI, that would be considered a bug.