Does a MIME type need to be set up for video?

Does a MIME type need to be set up for video?


This can depend on how exactly you will be serving up these video files (linking to the files directly, embedding them in a video player, etc.), but as a good practice, yes, I would add a MIME type to your IIS 6 server that matches the file extension of your video files.

We are embedding code from You Tube using the “old code”. If you go to our home page and see the video link on the main menu, you will notice the link does not work. It does however wok in the UI.

Hey Julie,

It appears that the “Video” link is inactive. If the link is functional in Preview but inactive (plain text) on your published site, the most likely reason is that the page you’re linking to was not in the Pending / Live workflow state when you ran your last full site publish. Try (Re)Approving the Video page and then kick off a full site publish. Let me know if this helps.