Does CMS 7.0.3 package and use its own 64 bit JVM? RhythmyxServer.bin.lax config!

Does CMS 7.0.3 package and use its own 64 bit JVM? or require user to upgrade to 64 bit? We have 36GB RAM on our linux server, with CMS 7.0.3 now supports 64bit JVM, what is recommended configuration for file RhythmyxServer.bin.lax? especially for line of -Xms1536m –Xmx1536m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=“AppServer/lib/endorsed” -Djava.library.path=./bin -server -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

You will notice that if you are on CM System 7.0.3 there are two JRE folders. The 32 bit JRE folder which is just JRE and a 64 bit JRE folder JRE64 bit. You will also notice in this same file a section entitled:


This section lets you pick which JRE to use by default it is set to choose 64 bit if available otherwise fall back to 32 bit.

As for your second question I did a bit of searching with google and found that it should be safe to set the -XMX to 3 gigs in Linux. In windows you have to have continuous space for allocating the ram which the OS makes it hard to do for the JVM which is why you are limited even with 64 bit on windows