Don't understand publishing screen. Files not being published out


So I have had some complaints from staff that their changes aren’t being published out and sure enough when I go and look at the file it will say last modified Feb. 19th, status Pending, but I ran a site publish last night Feb. 27th. I have been running site publishes every night but it seems to be not pushing certain things out.

Questions. If I run a site publish in the middle of the day at 1:00pm, and someone is working on a file and hits approve at 1:01pm will it push that file out?

Also if I run a site publish, it says running, and then I close down my browser, does the publish still run?

The local publish on each page seems to be working - FYI


Ok so I just ran a site publish now and it is still not pushing out certain files. Why??

Yesterday my server guy and I did some work to allow another person ftp access. I’m going to see if that is causing a problem.

Ok my server guy says from his end all ftp settings look like they are correct and he can ftp just fine.

Please help =(

Hi Sandy,

Next to the one with failures, on the right side there is a view details button. Can you click that and show us why the error occurred?

Also concerning your initial issue, did you try publishing that page on demand?

Yes if I publish on demand it seems to push that page out, but I can’t use that to push out any assets that have changed.

Here is the details. When I scroll down I don’t see any error listed?


Good afternoon, I wanted to address a couple questions you brought up, and I think the community might be interested in as well.

Q: If I run a site publish in the middle of the day at 1:00pm, and someone is working on a file and hits approve at 1:01pm will it push that file out?

A: How the publisher works now is on a queue, FIFO (first in first out). So the first publishing job will run, and complete. Then the queue will take the next persons job, and publish that one page on demand after.

Q: If I run a site publish, it says running, and then I close down my browser, does the publish still run?

A: Traditionally, this would not affect your publishing. Since Percussion runs service on a server, and it is outside your personal computer, you closing your browser should have no impact on publishing or the live first import.

With regards to Percussion not publishing certain items, and there being no clear cut errors on the publishing log screen shots, it leads me to think that the content might not have been submitted through the workflow, and/or a full site publish run.

The reason I suggest that is you mentioned you are able to publish on demand, that’s perfect. This proves the publishing mechanism is working. With misc images/css/content that doesn’t show up, I would assume you changed an image/asset/CSS or something misc. For this I would reccomend you go in and physically make sure that content is approved, and after that, run a full site publish. This should in turn publish out all the extra misc content that may have been changed.

If this doesn’t fix the issue, I am happy to take a look at your logs. Feel free to fill out a support ticket and we can dig deeper into the issue.

Have a great weekend :slight_smile:


Hi Chris,

I tired to go in on the weekend and manually publish each page that didn’t appear to get published. I ran another site publish just this morning and I’m still having this problem.

Also now my removals won’t work either. Stuff in Archive mode and Its not coming down. Even if I delete the page and run a site publish, clear my browser cash it doesn’t come down. Some pages won’t respond to the manual publish out on the page level. Some will.

Not sure what’s happening here but its causing me all sorts of problems. People are applying for job posting that should be removed, events are still listed that are over etc…

I need to pull down these job postings and short of ftping in and manually pulling them off the live server I don’t know what to do? I’m worried if I do so it will cause problems with the DTS.

I started another posting about the removal here
and I have submitted a ticket.

Please help


Also my logs show, publish with Failures, but when you open the log no errors are listed in the errors column.