dropdown help

hi all

i have a dropdown defined in my ce. the field is a shared field and we have a custom shared definition file. the field shows in this file but does not show any options for the dropdown. in the ce i have defined three elements to be included in this dropdown. these three elements showin the xml for the ce from the object store. however, when i edit or create content of this type, there are only two options showing.

i’m confused. where else can the dropdown be pulling the elements from and why is it only including 2.


In workbench, did you define the choices on the field by going to “Content Design > Content Types” or did you define them by going to “Content Design > Shared Fields?”

I’m not sure i did either of those.

in the ce i edit the Currency field, clicked on the button next to control, selected the choices tab, selected “define entries for this control only” and entered the three choices i want in there.



It might be a keyword list. Depending on which version of RX you are on this could be in Workbench or the System tab.

In your shared definition file does it have a node similar to:

<PSXChoices sortOrder="ascending" type="global">

In the database this query will tell you the name of the keyword lookup:

select * from rxlookup t where lookupid=[key]

In 6.5 you can look at the shared field definitions in Workbench which will show any associated keyword lookups

You therefore would need to add / amend values defined in the keyword list.



nothing like that exists in the shared definition file for the field. in the ce xml from the object store, the field has this entry - which as far as i can tell is correct and is what i want - however the NoCurrency entry does not show in the ce form dropdown.

                           <PSXChoices sortOrder="ascending" type="local">
                              <PSXEntry default="yes" sequence="0">
                              <PSXEntry default="no" sequence="1">
                              <PSXEntry default="no" sequence="2">
