DTS Tomcat certificate expired

The self-signed certificate for the DTS service has expired, which should be affecting publishing. To use the updated keystore that contains the new certificate, follow the steps below.

1.) In your DTS installation, find the Percussion/Deployment/Server/conf/.keystore file.
Note that files beginning with a dot prefix are normally hidden. To enable viewing of hidden files on Windows, see the link below:

2.) Move the .keystore file to another location on the file system to have it as a backup.

3.) Copy the attached file into the Percussion/Deployment/Server/conf/ folder.
CMS version 8.0+ tomcat-ssl.keystore (2.4 KB)
CMS versions < 8.0 tomcat-ssl.keystore (2.4 KB)

4.) Rename the file to just .keystore
(If you are not able to rename it to .keystore, try .keystore.)

5.) Open the Windows services and restart the Percussion DTS service.

Additional Notes:
If publishing is still not working - double check the file below in the DTS installation:

Ensure that the properties below match the ones in your copy of the file.

*If you do not have a perc-catalina.properties file, then these values will be set in the Percussion/Deployment/Server/conf/server.xml file.

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