Easiest way to determine the number of html files in CM1

Is there a report that tracks the number of HTML files live or in CM1?

Hi Alanda,

No as of right now there is no way to track the amount of assets you have live or in CM1. Our production team monitors this community for Ideas on ways to improve on the software for our existing customers. If this is a feature you would like to see added to CM1 you can post your idea here.

Thank you


Good morning, I wanted to reach out to you as well. Armani made a great point about making suggestions on the community and how this helps improve our product for everyone :slight_smile:

I wanted to note as well, we have a couple different tools, that might help you find what you are looking for indirectly. The first one was in the dashboard using the “pages by status” gadget. https://help.percussion.com/percussion-cm1/overview/dashboard/index

Also another way to find a count of pages/assets, is after you run/complete a full publish, you can see all the assets/pages that were published and have a report of that.

If neither of these help, another popular 3rd party tool our customers find helpful is: Xenu. (http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink…) It does a variety of things, one of which would give you a number of active pages on your website.

I hope this helps, let us know if we can help with anything else…