Edit Live problem

Rhythmyx 5.7.1
Java 1.5.0_10
IE 6.0

One of our users is experiencing the following behaviour:

Edit Live fields not fully or only partially loading (this second behaviour the worst because it may not be obvious with a lot of content that some is missing).

java console gives the following errors:

at javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first(Unknown Source)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.TagStack.advance(TagStack.java:114)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.legalElementContext(Parser.java:506)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.legalTagContext(Parser.java:695)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parseTag(Parser.java:2007)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parseContent(Parser.java:2078)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parse(Parser.java:2279)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EphoxEditorKit$ETagParser.parse(EphoxEditorKit.java:556)
at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.read(Unknown Source) at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.loadContentsIntoDoc(EPane.java:4124)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.loadContentsIntoDoc(EPane.java:4098)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setHtmlPaneSource(EPane.java:4035)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3921)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3866)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3857)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3849)
at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet$1.run(ELJApplet.java:173)
at com.ephox.editlive.common.pool.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:46)
at javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first(Unknown Source)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.TagStack.advance(TagStack.java:114)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.legalElementContext(Parser.java:506)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.legalTagContext(Parser.java:695)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parseTag(Parser.java:2007)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parseContent(Parser.java:2078)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.parser.Parser.parse(Parser.java:2279)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EphoxEditorKit$ETagParser.parse(EphoxEditorKit.java:556)
at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.read(Unknown Source)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.loadContentsIntoDoc(EPane.java:4124)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.loadContentsIntoDoc(EPane.java:4098)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setHtmlPaneSource(EPane.java:4035)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3921)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3866)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3857)
at com.ephox.editlive.java2.editor.EPane.setSource(EPane.java:3849)
at com.ephox.editlive.applets.ELJApplet$1.run(ELJApplet.java:173)
at com.ephox.editlive.

Any ideas?

This looks like a EditLive bug. Please file a support case with Percussion support so that we can further investigate this issue with Ephox and find a resolution for it.


Have now opened a support call.

hi jeffers

this happens to our users all the time - our problem is not loading at all rather than partially loading.

quite often when this happens, when the user shuts the window down and reopens the content item, all content in the edit live box has been deleted and they have to revert to a previous revision to get the content back.

very annoying.



We had a similar problem on 5.6 where the edit boxes were not loading all the content from the system when the item was edited. Users would then save the item with the missing content, effectively deleting it.

Percussion came up with a fix for this, about November 06.

ah interesting - do you know what the fix is and how i can get it?


does anybody know what the fix is for this and where i can find it. we have a number of outstanding faults from our users - this is a problem that we need to resolve asap.


You should submit the behavior you’re experiencing to tech support. As noted earlier in this thread, this does look like a known Ephox bug which may have been addressed in the latest patch, but TS will need to verify to be sure.

We had a tech support call open for ages about this but it never got resolved and is still happening (as I have to hear at every web user group from disgruntled users)

We had Ephox EditLive problems when accessing the Content Explorer via HTTPS, until a recent fix allowed us to redirect back to normal HTTP after logging in.

During that period, we found that a file stored on each user’s PC at C:\Documents and Settings\EditLiveForJava.ini controlled preferences and licenses for EditLive. You could try removing that file from the folder, and emptying your browser and client-side Java caches, and see if that helps.


Thanks for the suggestion Andrew but we have been getting users to delete that file on and off for a long while. Unfortunately our users keep having the problem and are now just ‘resigned’ to Ephox trashing their rich text fields every now and again.:mad:

Presumably support have had you switch on Ephox debugging? They have a document that describes three different ways to enable it.


i have raised this as an issue with tech support who are looking into it.

they did however tell me that a previous customer opened this as a bug and then closed the call without resolution so no further investigation into it was done!!!

unfortunately our users have not resigned themselves to working around this and understandably want it fixed.


That was probably us - we sent lots of java console output and just gave up in the end. I will be interested in any fix you manage to get.

Oh, I thought it was us. Someone in Tech Support advised me that it would be faster for me to roll back to my latest backup than to troubleshoot the problem.

I have closed our call too - although i did suggest that this is something that Percussion still need to look into as it is an obvious problem. It has happened to many of our users in different roles/communities since we started using rhythmyx.

in this instance i closed the call as the user cleared cookies and carried out various other tasks advised by our technical support and the problem appeared to go away.

i have said i will re-open the call WHEN it happens again - and i have no doubt that it will


This happened to us as well, when we upgraded to patch 14127 from 13370. We thought it was limited to one specific content type. The users would see the following symptoms:

[li]When creating content, the empty ephox control loads properly[/li][li]When editing content, sometimes the ephox control would not completely load or would load with no value and could not be edited.[/li][li]If a content item exhibited the failure to load symptom, it would ALWAYS exhibit the symptom.[/li][/ul]
Looking at the HTML source code for the editor window, however, revealed that the value which should have been shown in the ephox control was still correct – just not getting loaded. And if I changed a value for another field and clicked “Update” the value of the ephox field remained unchanged, although still un-viewable, and un-editable. The symptom manifested in one of our Article content types… It may be possible that long values may cause the problem. Another likely suspect would be special characters from pasting in text from Word.

I was not able to get a java console error log before we had to roll back our patch level to 13370.

I have an open ticket with Rhythmyx Technical Support for this issue (MA-08-12-0006), if anyone would like to escalate it. Also, if anyone has Java console logs (perhaps there’s an exception being thrown when translating the hidden input’s value) and can submit those to percussion, that would be fantastic.