EditLive - bullet points & Insert RX Template

During testing / performing an upgrade from rx 5.6 to 6.5.2 the following behaviour is exhibited by the EditLive control.

  • You are unable to select an inserted RX template (such as a link to a file content type) in design view, and use the bulleted unordered list functionality to turn it into a list. The RX template region is protected, and the toolbar list formatting option is disabled / greyed out.

  • Alternatively, if you create an unordered list, and then try inserting an RX template where the bullet point is, the RX template is inserted incompletely. In design view the rectangular template region is blank, and the source view show this code:

<div sys_dependentvariantid=“444” rxinlineslot=“105” class=“rx_ephox_inlinevariant” sys_dependentid=“6099” style=" display: inline;" contenteditable=“false” inlinetype=“rxvariant” sys_siteid=“305” sys_folderid=“9896”></div>

Does anybody have any ideas if this can be fixed…or whether subsequent versions of the EditLive have sorted this??

The elj_config.xml file is as “out of the box”.

Hi Jason

Make sure the template you’re inserting inline has a container element eg

   ...snippet code
