EditLive ephox class camelhumps are flatening/

I am not sure if this has anything to do with the last patch, but now if I open an edit live field that had some classes with camel humps, the camel humps are flattening.

Anyone else getting this? I have camel humps a-plenty, and if some stay (if I don’t re-open them) and some flatten, this really messes up the ol’ stylesheets.


<div class = "myClass"> becomes <div class="myclass">

What version of editlive are you using you can find this from clicking the icon in the upper left of the control and setting help about editlive. Also what patch level are you on currently? Could you also share the full source you are putting in the ephox control?

Also could you try clearing out your browser and java cache. As well as remove the following files:

C:\Documents and Settings\EditLiveForJava.ini [delete the file]

C:\Documents and Settings\en_us_4_0.jar [delete the file]

C:\Documents and Settings\rxEditLiveFormEncodeDecode.jar [delete the file]

C:\Documents and Settings\rxEphoxExtensions.jar [delete the file]

C:\Documents and Settings hes_am_6_0.jar [delete the file]

C:\Documents and Settings[user profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Ephox [delete this folder]

C:\Documents and Settings[user profile]\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\ [delete everything under this folder]

C:\Documents and Settings[user profile]\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\SystemCache\6.0 [delete everything under this folder]

The location of these may be different depending on your version of windows

Kind Regards,

Edit live version:

I deleted all files

Here is an actual example of code (codeview) that changes:

<div class = "myClass"> becomes <div class="myclass">

Not sure of patch number, our guy who knows those things is out today.

This may explain the behavior:


Hmm - had found this out in my “trial and error” method, that while changing outputXHTML=“false” had helped with a previous problem, it caused this new one. In your link:
“EditLive’s rendering engine always treats styles as case-sensitive though, so when EditLive! is in HTML mode, it converts both the class attribute and the CSS to lowercase to ensure that the rendering in EditLive! matches the rendering in browsers.”

We keep our css independent, so that was staying with original code, and any classname we put in the editlive field was being flattened.

Looking for some solution for all my woes.

PS Thanks for your attention to this matter!