Editlive in 7.3 not working

I have an upgraded 7.3 system in which my Editlive fields are simply blank - no tabs, no response, no errors in the Java console or server.log.

So I installed a vanilla 7.3, patched to 730_20140804, and checked if I get the same effect in the standard fast forward content types. Which I do. Tried IE9, IE11, Firefox 31.0 with jre 1.7.0_17 and 1.7.0_67 (most recent update), still the same thing - dead fields.

Anyone seen this or got a solution?

Cheers, Andrew

Ok, this time with jre 1.7 update 60:

So I uninstalled the 730_20140804 patch and Editlive started working, but Content Explorer would only load with java security level set to Medium.

With the patch installed, CE loads with java security set to high, but Editlive doesn’t load.

Go figure.

If I replace my rx_ephox.js with the pre-patch version, Editlive works.

About to try to isolate the problem with that file…

The patched version of rx_ephox.js changes this line:


to this:


However, although just changing that line to the former makes editlive load, it doesn’t save its content. If I go back entirely to the old standard 7.3 rx_ephox.js everything appears to work.

Hope that helps…