Email Marketing System


We want to implement a Email Marketing System (newsletter application) and we are looking for recommendation on any solutions other Percussion customers are using. We want to use Percussion WCM to manage the content of the newsletter. If anybody have suggestions, we still don’t know if we will develop it ourself, use an open source product or buy something so any advise will be useful.




I am making some test to generate an html page that I can use as a News Letter. Is it possible to always generate absolute URL for a particular template or for a particular site ?
If so, how should I do it ?



You could create a location scheme which produced absolute URLs for a particular template

I’m not sure how to do it. I did a location scheme to produce absolute URL but when I publish my page it published it in the folder http:/…etc instead of only the folder path.
I want to have absolute URL for all the template on one of our site (publish item will be use for News Letter) but I want that template to by publish at the right folder path.




It sounds like you need two location schemes: a publish scheme to define the output location, and an assembly scheme to define the URL for the links between Content Items. The FastForward implementation illustrates this practice, and it is discussed in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide.