Entire regions as re-usable assets

Sometimes entire regions are shared across pages. You might not want to paste the entire block as rich text (or html using the code option in tinyMCE) because you want portions of it to be easily editable by end users who might not be very comfortable editing HTML code. Or, if you don’t want to open these out to end users, these can still be very useful to developers while building out templates. The latter is currently possibly by duplicating a template and reusing parts that were previously built out, but this would make it more modular and certainly more clean.

It would be great to be able to have fixed, built out regions that can be used as re-usable assets across pages.

For the last bit, are you referring to the same assets occurring on multiple pages? Or are you saying you just want the same regions on multiple pages without building it out all over again?

For the 2nd, you could make a ‘Global Template’- kind of the like in CM System. Have a template that no one should touch/use for a page layout, consisting mostly of header/fooder/certain body regions, that you could simply copy and add any additional regions in.

Assets (16 available currently) can be reused across pages. This is a request for allowing similar functionality (not necessarily the same UI - the asset tray might not be the best place for it) for entire regions.

Copying/duplicating existing templates is the only option available now. Having a reusable library of regions would make template building more flexible, allowing you to throw together multiple regions to build out pages.

Now that I’ve thought about this some more this is probably appropriate for developers only (not end users) since we are dealing with regions which edit template structure.

We’ve looked at this idea in the past, and there are already some stories in the backlog for “shared regions”, but they aren’t currently planned for any release in the near future.

The more developer tools you can provide based on permissions is key. IMHO without a IDE like Workbench, this product is not developer friendly and causes alot of dev time that can be done much quicker in CM System.

Sharing a region (such as the header or footer which might have multiple widgets) would certainly help simplify the process of updating a site. This is especially the case where new widgets come along like “Share This” which right now need to be added in each template one at a time. It would be great if this could be added to the header region once and see it propagate across all templates.