Ephox altering Input tag in Form

Good morning

We have recently installed the patch (RX-13084) that allowed us to edit ephox fields in IE. We are using an image as the submit button, and whenever we try to edit the ephox field, the reference to the image is removed from the input tag. The code before updating:

<form action="http://insider-search/InsiderSearch/index.jsp" method="post"><input name="mDatabase" type="hidden" value="Insider_Policies+Insider_Forms" /><input name="mSearchType" type="hidden" value="results" /><input name="mClear" type="hidden" value="yes" /><input name="mResultsDisplay" type="hidden" value="yes" /><input name="mQuery" onclick="clearSearchBox(this, 'Search')" style=" width: 168px;" title="Search" type="text" value="Search" /><input alt="Go" src="/images/go3.gif" style=" border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; border-bottom: medium none;" type="image" /></form>

when you open up the ephox control, the final input tag has the src="/images/go3.gif" stripped out

<form action="http://insider-search/InsiderSearch/index.jsp" method="post"><input name="mDatabase" type="hidden" value="Insider_Policies+Insider_Forms" /><input name="mSearchType" type="hidden" value="results" /><input name="mClear" type="hidden" value="yes" /><input name="mResultsDisplay" type="hidden" value="yes" /><input name="mQuery" onclick="clearSearchBox(this, 'Search')" style=" width: 168px;" title="Search" type="text" value="Search" /><input alt="Go" style=" border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; border-bottom: medium none;" type="image" /></form>

This does not happen in firefox, just in IE

Ephox doesn’t like tags like FORM, SCRIPT etc. and automatically strips them out - how helpful is that?!
There are several threads on this issue in the forum already.

There are some workarounds, but in our case, we use JSP to produce Forms and have a Dynamic Page CT to link the apps to the navigation. In fact, because of problems like this in Ephox, we have set up workarounds for inserting scripts, created a new CT to enable users to add a bulleted list of inline templates, for example.

As these kind of problems with Ephox seem to be on the increase in the forum (possibly as more people move away from 5.7?), it might be an idea for Percussion to work with Ephox to improve the functionality of the EditLive! plug-in… just a thought
