Ephox Comments

Is there any way I can tell Percussion to render the comments that have been inserted using the Ephox Insert -> Insert Comment menu?
At the moment the comments are appearing in the CODE tab but are being stripped when the page is assembled.

Other’s have asked this. There are ultimately a couple of levels of things that touch your markup in Ephox. Some things are done by Ephox itself, which can be witnessed even when switching back and forth between the code and design tab as this happens on the fly. If code is being stripped when you save or update, this is actually Percussion doing that via HTMLTidy. There’s a properties file r2kTidy.properties (or something like that, you’ll see it if you look for it), where you can somewhat customize this behavior, which we have done. If you lookup HTMLTidy on the web, you’ll find a reference for the grammer for this file. I find that it’s a bit of a slippery slope trying to change the behaviors around what this does. If it’s something that Ephox itself is stripping out, that’s a bit more straightforward to change as the Ephox config files are documented quite extensively by EditLive.