Ephox: Content Types allowed in "Insert Rhythmyx Templates"

Searched through the Rhythmyx 6.7 manuals trying to find information about how to customize the Ephox “Insert Rhythmyx Template” call. Would like to add/remove content types from the filter/search options. Right now the filter/search has Content Types listed from the “FastForward” package; to which, we’ll be removing when we’re out of development.

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

Modify the sys_inline_variant slot.

Let me clarify that by saying “modify” means adding / removing content types and templates to the slot. Also, this is the default RX slot that is assigned to that…Your system may have been modified to point to another slot…

@jitendra: Thank you. Found sys_inline_variant under “Assembly Design” in the Workbench.

Thanks! That helped.