ephox css stylesheets

Hi all,

I have configured Ephox to use my clients css stylesheets. These stylesheets control the look of the whole site. So now the editor has hundreds of styles to choose from in the styles dropdown.

Is it possible to selectively tell Ephox which styles to make available to the editor. Fo maintenance reasons, I would prefer to do this without creating new stylesheets for Ephox.

many thanks,


Hi Richard,

Yep, edit the xml file.


Hi G,

Thanks for your reply. I may be missing something but I cannot work out how to restrict styles using the xml file, only add even more styles.


Can I tell Ephox that some stylesheets are required for styling content without automatically adding these styles to the dropdown?



In the elj_config.xml file, you will see that there is a prototype HTML document (inside the <document> tag near the top of the file).

Any CSS links or styles that you add to the <head> section of this document will be used in the editor.

Note that this does NOT automatically mean that these styles are available in
the output template, you’ll have to make sure that the CSS used in the Template also contains the styles that you need.


Could this be automatically imported from the web_resources css by using something similar to the $sys.variables.rxs_navbase variable?

We were able to obtain the user role by using “/*/UserStatus/Roles/Role=‘Admin’”, is there something like this notation that could return the navbase for the current site?

Hi Richard

I tend to create my own ephox.css file and based it on the site styles. The problem with importing the site styles is that these are based on the whole page template and not just in the ephox body area.

create a ephox.css (and put it in the web_resources folder) and include the H2-6, P and body tags and any other that are needed. This will also mean the list of styles in the style dropdown will be reduced.



In the elj_config.xml file, you will see that there is a prototype HTML document (inside the <document> tag near the top of the file).

Any CSS links or styles that you add to the <head> section of this document will be used in the editor.

Note that this does NOT automatically mean that these styles are available in
the output template, you’ll have to make sure that the CSS used in the Template also contains the styles that you need.


I added a stylesheet ref in rx_resources/ephox/elj_config.xml and it doesn’t seem to have done anything. If I copy/paste the same line into elj_config_dynamic.xml, however, it does. What is elj_config_dynamic.xml? I’m guessing this workaround is not a good idea.
