Ephox Span bug in 6.6.1(RX-15408)?

One of our HTML designers has given me this markup for a page in our new site:

      <span class="profile"><img src="some.jpg" alt="" />
           <span class="name">Dr. RX</span>
           <span class="title">Executive Vice President </span>
      <span class="profile"> <img src="some.jpg" alt="" />
           <span class="name">Mrs RX</span>
           <span class="title">Senior Vice President</span>

When I enter this verbatim into Ephox EditLive! field and update, the result HTML is not the same. Ephox EditLive! strangely strips out the second level span and replaces it with:

      <span class="profile"><img src="some.jpg" alt="" />
           <span class="name">Dr. RX</span>
           <span class="title">Executive Vice President </span>
           <img src="someimg" alt="" />
           <span class="name">Mrs RX</span>
           <span class="title">Senior Vice President</span>

So instead of two span blocks of class “profile” it replaces it with one block. Looks like a bug. Anybody else seen this issue or can confirm ?

The html code you are putting in is not correct and EditLive is trying to fix this.

There are actually 2 issues:

1.) Your first span tag has an end slash <span/> which tells the parser that it is an empty tag.

2.) You have nested span tags which is not valid html as a span tag is in inline tag. Only block tags like div allow nestings.

And yes most modern browsers are forgiving about the inline nesting but I thought it should be pointed out. Problem 1 is the big issue here.

Actually, wrong on both counts. (1) He does not have any self-closing span elements, it is the img element on the same line that is self-closing. (2) You can have nested span elements, check out all the entities referenced by the %Inline; entity which is referenced by <!ELEMENT span %Inline;> in http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd or http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd

I apologize. I looked at the code too quickly and the top span and img tag merged together in my head.

Submit a support issue to Percussion and we will in turn talk to Ephox to see why it is doing what is doing.