ephox stripping attributes from em tags

If I type code in to the ephox live editor that looks like this:

<em class="caption">Hello World</em>

and then I click the ‘Design’ tab, ephox not-so-handily strips the class attribute from the tag. It does this with em tags only (that I have found. Haven’t tested all the tags). Seems to do it with any attribute.

Anyone know a way to disable this bug-or-feature?

It would be helpful if you could post the following:

[li]Rx version (Cx > Help > About),[/li][li]Rx patch level (Cx > Help > About),[/li][li]Ephox version (Cx > open Ce with EditLive field > click 4 small colored balls in top left),[/li][li]Do you have the input/output transforms (Patch Additional Step 3) configured for the EditLive field in question?[/li][/ul]


I posted on the Ephox forum, and it sounds like it is a bug with the current version of EditLive:


but anyway, the specs are:
Version 6.5.2
Patch level RX-15672
Ephox version: We don’t have those four colored balls (must have removed that button) but from looking at the change log, the version is probably

[QUOTE=bwilder;13624]It would be helpful if you could post the following:

[li]Rx version (Cx > Help > About),
[/li][li]Rx patch level (Cx > Help > About),
[/li][li]Ephox version (Cx > open Ce with EditLive field > click 4 small colored balls in top left),
[/li][li]Do you have the input/output transforms (Patch Additional Step 3) configured for the EditLive field in question?


Same version here. And it’s not just that tag, but just about everything gets rewritten and reformatted. Is there some form of Tidy filter going on that can be modified to prevent this, um, “feature”

There’s some discussion of this on the ephox forum too. I get the sense that it’s unavoidable.

Just to clarify, only the em tag loses its attributes, but other things get changed. For example, the order of nested tags might be changed.